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Sign In Instructions
To see your personal benefits information, enter your user ID and password in the top left corner.
User ID: Social Security Number + 740
Example: 123-45-6789 = 123456789740
Password: Date of Birth (MMDDYYYY)
Example: May 1,1975 = 05011975.
You will be prompted to change your password the first time you sign in.

When it comes to our Voluntary benefits program, ACPS's goals are to help our employees get informed, make better choices, and be well.
It’s a partnership between you and ACPS to reach this goal. ACPS is committed to offering you a variety of plans at competitive prices. Only you can choose the benefits that meet your needs and use them wisely throughout the year.

Connect to Resources
There are two options for you to complete enrollment. Use the login information to the left and self-enroll following the instructions in the system
You can call a Benefit Counselor at the toll free number below who can answer questions about the benefits and assist you with your enrollment while on the phone.
Benefits Center (866) 320-8415
Hours of Operation: (Central Standard Time)
Monday – Thursday: 8 am to 7 pm
Friday: 8 am to 6 pm
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